In-House Training – for Education and Business

Have you read the descriptions of training courses we offer?

Are you in charge of training or professional development for your school or organisation?

Do you need a professional speaker for a conference or other event which you are organising?

Would you like to combine elements of any of the courses we offer to design a programme to meet your particular needs and circumstances? If so, we would be very pleased to hear from you.

You can set the agenda for a day, half day or twilight training session (or series of sessions) and, if you wish, ask for any training to be followed up by a review of progress.


In education we have worked with university teacher trainers, FE colleges, special schools, 6th form colleges and state and private education providers from all phases. We have also worked with teaching assistants, SENCOs and have spoken at a range of conferences.

Business and Industry

Many of our courses can be applied to meet your needs – but especially those around resilience, coaching and growth mindset. We are looking to grow this part of our offer and would particularly welcome enquiries from you.

Simply drop us an email via the Contact page, outlining your requirements and we will get back to you.