For Students: Presentation Skills & Confidence Building

In-school workshops for students to prepare them for further education and the world of work

We work with schools to help students build confidence and skills in presenting to different audiences, from large groups, to 1:1 conversations.  Our workshops have been put together in line with the new Oracy Skills Framework which puts colleges and schools under pressure to help students develop better communications skills. Every class is highly interactive with a series of fun, evidence-based speaking exercises where students will:

  • Develop exceptional presentation skills as they practise speaking in front of an audience
  • Practise impromptu speaking exercises that will prepare them for formal job interviews
  • Use body language and voice techniques to build rapport
  • Learn how to overcome nerves and public speaking anxiety
  • Hone their literacy skills and vocabulary to become more articulate
  • Speak with confidence in order to communicate with senior business people and work well in teams
  • Learn how to ‘sell’ their skills as they take part in exercises such as giving a 60 second elevator pitch
  • Develop valuable social skills and become more emotionally-intelligent communicators
  • Build emotional resilience so they can manage anxiety and stress for the next stage of education training or work


Working with groups of up to 20 students:

Full day: £750. Half day: £450. Twilight: £300. Weekly after-school classes which run all term are also available.

For further information or to book, please call Carrie on 0773 605 1566 or email her direct at for further information.