ex-Headteacher, Consultant, Author
Tim served as a secondary headteacher for 17 years and then as a Local Authority inspector and School Improvement Adviser.
His book The Perfect Ofsted School Governor edited by Jackie Beere appeared in April 2013 to excellent reviews.
He is now working on behalf of a special school, developing an accredited training course for teaching assistants in the special school sector, the first of its kind.
He is also involved in the full range of school improvement work including a training day package for Pupil Referral Units on Getting to Good.
He is an active Primary School Governor and Education Director of Excellence for All – an Academy Trust founded in 2013.
He was an accredited School Improvement Partner for the whole of the time the SIP programme existed, rated ‘highly effective’ by Wokingham Borough Council, and was on the Council of the National Association for Primary Education from 2006, serving as Treasurer until 2013.
For more information about Tim’s work and to explore how he can work with your school or organisation please call the Independent Thinking office on 0844 589 0490 or email us at learn@independentthinking.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you.