Social and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to form and sustain relationships with a range of different people. It is a vital part of a child’s entitlement in education and a vital attribute for teachers, parents and business professionals to have. Fortunately, EQ can be developed at any age. A day course or series of consultancy visits for staff, parents or students based around EQ can include:
* what EQ is and why we need it for success
* self-assessment of your own EQ
* the ten habits of emotional intelligence
* how to be popular
* how to develop the disposition for learning
* techniques and strategies for increasing EQ
* examples of lessons and programmes
* how to create an emotionally intelligent institution
* resources and references for continuing development
The course helps answer questions like ‘Why are some people better at networking and more popular with their peers?’ and prompts questions such as – ‘How can I motivate myself to do my best?’ and ‘How do I feel when someone else is successful?’ We have helped many schools and academies, both in the UK and abroad, to redesign their curricula to take account of how to develop EQ.
Emotional Intelligence develops the ability to manage behaviours and attitudes to create successful outcomes, which include:
* self awareness
* optimism
* empathy
* goal setting
* deferred gratification
* mood control
* motivation
* persistence
* stress management
– qualities we would like to see in our staff, students – and ourselves!
‘The Learner’s Toolkit’ is the perfect resource to inspire teachers to help deliver social and emotional learning. Take a look at it here.